Dear Friends:

I am so sorry that this site has to be removed! I will miss being able to inform the world about Abhean Dragons and Dragons in general. I'm so so sorry. I will miss all of you.

The reason the site has to be removed is because of a very disturbing dream that was had by several dragons (myself included) and even a few helpers. It was so disturbing that we knew we had to remove the site from the internet right away. We all feel terrible about this. This website was our future, the way to tell everyone about us. This has been a terrible, but final decision.

Please forgive us for leaving you all.

When the website is removed, all that will be left is a single page that will tell others what this site was and an email address to You will still be able to email me (or a helper, depending on how busy we are). Deconstruction will begin Nov. 24th and the website is scheduled to be down by Dec. 20th or possibly earlier. Please keep in contact with us. Thank you very much. We will miss you.
